What happens when you search: Toothache Pain Dentist Plaza?


You have plenty of things in your life to stress over … We’re here to take the stress out of dental care, especially if you’re experiencing dental pain! So, when you search Toothache Pain Dentist Plaza, we want to show up in more ways than on your browser! We offer Emergency Dental Appointments at our 3 convenient locations in the Kansas City area!

How Can Emergency Dental Services Get You OUT of Pain??

Emergency dental services play a crucial role in providing prompt relief for patients experiencing dental pain or discomfort. Here’s how emergency dental services can help get patients out of pain:

    1. Immediate Assessment: When a patient arrives at an emergency dental clinic with pain, the first step is an immediate assessment. The dentist or dental professional will evaluate the patient’s condition, examine the affected area, and take any necessary X-rays to diagnose the problem.
    2. Pain Management: Emergency dental clinics are equipped to provide pain relief quickly. They can administer local anesthetics to numb the affected area, alleviating pain during treatment.
    3. Treatment for Dental Emergencies: Emergency dental services are prepared to address a wide range of dental emergencies, including:
      • Toothaches: Identifying the cause of the toothache and providing treatment, such as dental fillings, root canals, or extractions.
      • Dental Trauma: Treating injuries like knocked-out teeth, broken or chipped teeth, and loose teeth.
      • Dental Infections: Addressing oral infections or abscesses through procedures like drainage, root canals, or extractions.
      • Lost or Loose Dental Appliances: Repairing or replacing damaged or loose dental appliances like crowns, bridges, or dentures.
      • Other Painful Conditions: Treating conditions causing oral discomfort, such as ulcers, canker sores, or impacted wisdom teeth.
    4. Prescription Medications: In some cases, the dentist may prescribe pain medications or antibiotics to manage pain and infection.
    5. Patient Education: Emergency dental services often include patient education. Our dentists explain the nature of the problem, the recommended treatment, and preventive measures to minimize the risk of future emergencies.
    6. Follow-up Appointments: After providing immediate relief, our team may schedule follow-up appointments for further treatment or monitoring, depending on the nature of the dental emergency.
    7. Referrals: If the dental emergency requires specialized care, our team may provide referrals to oral surgeons, endodontists, or other specialists.
    8. Availability and Accessibility: Emergency dental care is important to our dental team and we want to ensure patients can access care when they need it most.

Emergency dental services are essential for addressing acute dental issues promptly, reducing pain and discomfort, and preventing further complications. If you experience severe dental pain, trauma, or any other urgent dental problem, seeking emergency dental care is crucial for your oral health and well-being.

Look no further than your search to find Toothache Pain Dentist Plaza and give us a call today to set up a routine appointment, get help for a dental emergency, or discover more about our cosmetic and smile makeover treatment solutions. If you’re a new patient, our website offers convenient links to our new patient forms, along with helpful resources, more information on our dental emergency services, the dental insurance plans we accept, and even a Careers link if you’re interested in applying for a position in one of our offices.

We Offer Emergency Dental Services

Accidents happen, and knowing what to do when one occurs can mean the difference between saving and losing a tooth. Here are some tips for dental emergencies from the American Dental Association. We offer emergency dental appointments and our philosophy on dental emergencies is very simple:

“If you need toothache relief or are having another type of dental emergency, you are first in line… PERIOD.”

Our goal is to provide:

  • Immediate relief
  • Gentle care
  • Proven results

Dental emergency tips:

We set aside time every day to help with dental emergencies. We want to help you same-day or ASAP to eliminate your pain and find a solution that works for you.

Common Dental Emergencies and What To Do

Toothaches. Until you can see your dentist, try rinsing your mouth with warm water and floss gently around the area of discomfort. This may loosen any food that is lodged. Over-the-counter pain medication or a cold compress can also help with pain. If you’re unsure if your toothache is an emergency, give us a call and we can help you get toothache relief!

A Knocked-Out Tooth. If your tooth is knocked-out, there’s no question about it – you’re definitely dealing with a dental emergency. If it’s completely knocked-out, grab the tooth by the crown (not the root) and call your dentist immediately. You can keep the tooth moist in a glass of milk until you see your dentist. The best chance of saving the tooth would be seeing your dentist within 30 minutes to one hour after the accident.

Bleeding or Swollen Gums. Some minor bleeding or irritation here and there is usually just fine and not concerning. However, if your gums won’t stop bleeding and is accompanied with swelling, it can often mean there’s an underlying health or dental issue that needs to be addressed.

Missing Filling or Broken Crown. Having a filling that is missing can make the changes of a chipped or cracked tooth much greater because the tooth isn’t being properly supported. If a dental crown falls off or completely breaks, it leaves your tooth very vulnerable. Schedule with us quickly to possibly avoid a root canal or extraction.

An Abscess. These often look similar to a pimple on your gums and are usually very painful. This means that your gum tissue or tooth is infected, and you need to see your dentist right away. Your dentist will often treat with antibiotics. Do not try and pop the pimple, but you can rinse with warm salt water.

Exposed Nerves. Exposed nerves can be very painful, so see your dentist ASAP to avoid prolonging any intense pain.

Check out these Related Articles:

Do I need to call for an Emergency Appointment?

If you’re unsure if you’re dealing with an emergency problem, ask yourself if you’re in severe pain, if you’re bleeding, missing a tooth, swollen, or think you have an infection. If you answer YES to any of the above questions, give us a call immediately for care at 816-373-4440.

But, When do I need to see a Dentist About my Toothache?

We recommend seeing your dentist as soon as possible about your toothache if:

  • Your toothache is severe
  • Redness occurs around the gums or your gums are bleeding
  • Inflammation increases
  • Swelling occurs around your jaw or face
  • You experience pain upon opening your mouth wide
  • You have an earache or fever
  • If you notice that a tooth is cracked, broken, or chipped
  • You have consistent tooth pain that lasts longer than 1 or 2 days
  • Dull, persistent pain can be a sign of something that will get worse if not treated
  • You’ve suffered a recent trauma to your face or mouth

Related Article: Emergency Appointment: Do You Have a Toothache?

Our team of experts are caring and informed and can help you with a dental emergency. Please call our office at 816-373-4440 and we will schedule your emergency dental appointment as quickly as possible. So when you search Toothache Pain Dentist Plaza, we’re here to help get you out of pain!

Learn more through this Helpful Dental Emergency FAQ from Mouth Healthy

We Provide Same Day Emergency Services

Your Dental Pain is Our TOP Priority … call us today at 816-373-4440

We want you to find us when you search: Toothache Pain Dentist Plaza. We offer Emergency Dental Appointments, because we know they are more than just an everyday dental issue. If you’re dealing with pain or injury, it’s important to be seen right away. Our philosophy on dental emergencies is very simple “If you need toothache relief or another type of dental emergency, you are first in line… PERIOD.” Our Kansas City and Independence, MO offices are open Monday through Friday, 8 AM-5 PM, and our talented Doctors will be there to provide urgent dental care. We are willing to come in early, stay late, and even work through lunch to get you in, treated and comfortable again. Give us a call at 816-373-4440 … we can get you out of pain.

Contact us today to schedule your dental appointment and meet with our skilled dentists at one of our three conveniently located dental office locations within the Kansas City area, including Lee’s Summit / Independence, the Country Club Plaza and Downtown Kansas City. The gentle dentists and expert team at Thomas L. Anderson and Associates look forward to working with you to treat your dental emergency, achieve proper oral health and a beautiful smile that will last a lifetime. If you have any questions about your dental insurance benefits, please do not hesitate to contact us.  We are happy to review your policy! Please give us a call today to schedule an appointment and become part of our dental family.
