Why Does My Tooth Hurt?


Have you found yourself recently thinking, “why does my tooth hurt?”. The pain from a toothache can be distracting; it can be difficult to concentrate on work, school, or even your favorite television show. Tooth pain can often lead to many sleepless nights, which leads to pain-filled exhaustion. A toothache can also be a dull, mild pain or just a pain that arises when the tooth is sensitive to cold, hot, or sweet or a pain that only happens when the tooth is in action. If you have been thinking to yourself “why does my tooth hurt?”, it is important to diagnose the situation so that you can get some relief. Below we will discuss many of the common reasons your find yourself wondering “why does my tooth hurt?”.


Tooth Decay

Tooth decay, also known as cavities, starts by attacking the enamel (outer layer) of your teeth. Pain is typically not experienced until the decay has made it past the enamel and into the dentin. At this point, the pain is typically felt during chewing, when it is exposed to extreme temperatures or during the consumption of sweet foods. Once the decay reaches the inner pulp, you may experience severe pain, as this is where the nerves of your tooth reside.


Infection and/or inflammation

Once decay reaches the inner pulp of your tooth, infection typically occurs. Inflammation of the tooth pulp, also known as pulpitis, can cause pressure to be put on the surrounding parts of the tooth, resulting in pain. When the inner pulp of you tooth becomes infected, the tooth may try to drain the infection, which can cause the infection to spread to the roots of the tooth leading to an abscess. It is important to treat this to stop the spread of infection to other parts of your body.


Broken Tooth

A broken tooth can happen in an instant. A healthy normal looking tooth can be damaged by biting on something hard, such as candy. Untreated tooth decay can also cause a tooth to become more likely to crack or break. Bruxism (Teeth grinding) can cause small fractures in your teeth making the more susceptible to breakage. A broken toot can cause immediate pain, or you may not experience anything at first. It is important that a broken tooth be repaired quickly to prevent further issues.


Non-tooth Issues

Periodontal disease (Gum disease or gingivitis) can cause the roots of teeth and bone to become exposed. These exposures can cause oral pain. A sinus infection can also cause your inflamed sinus cavities to place pressure on you teeth resembling a toothache.


If you or a family member have found yourself wondering “why does my tooth hurt?”, contact Thomas L. Anderson and Associates today! We have three conveniently located dental offices in the Kansas City Metro Area. Our caring staff and doctors are here to help relieve your dental pain!


Contact us today to schedule an initial consultation and meet with any of our skilled dentists at one of our three conveniently located dental office locations within the Kansas City area, including Lee’s Summit / Independence, the Country Club Plaza and Downtown Kansas City. The gentle dentists and expert team at Thomas L. Anderson and Associates look forward to working with you to treat your dental emergency, achieve proper oral health and a beautiful smile that will last a lifetime. If you have any questions about your dental insurance benefits, please do not hesitate to contact us.  We are happy to review your policy! Please give us a call today to schedule an appointmentand become part of our dental family.
