We provide dental care to nearly a million patients every year. Listed below are some of the services can provide our patients.
Our Range of Dental Care Services

Prevention is our main focus at Dr Thomas L. Anderson and Associates. We are a general dentist that takes pride in and appreciates the families that choose us to help them prevent dental disease. We offer a wide array of dental health services, including:
Early Dental Diagnosis
Examinations, Dental Radiographs, Cleaning
Flouride and Sealants
Home Care Coaching
Mouth Guards and Retainers

New dental procedures and techniques allow us to restore your smile more quickly and conservatively, using materials that are virtually invisible! We offer Emergency dental services… getting you out of pain is our main priority.
Fillings, Inlays and Onlays
Porcelain Crowns and Bridges
Dental Implants
Endodontics – Root Canal

Studies show that the first thing people notice about you is your smile. That’s why we’ve devoted our work to advancing the art of creating beautiful smiles!
Cosmetic dentistry to help improve and restore your smile and your self-confidence is our main focus.
Invisalign Braces
Porcelain Veneers
Bonding and Tooth Reconturing (Shaping)