How do you know if you selected the right dental office?


When it comes to selecting the right dental office for you, there are many questions you should ask yourself. You should not have to settle when it comes to your dental health. You want to make sure that you and your family are treated with respect and given enough time to feel that you were adequately treated. Whether you are coming in for a dental check-up, emergency treatment, or a scheduled procedure you should feel as though your doctor has devoted enough time for you.  Here are some questions you should ask yourself before making a decision:

dental-office1.) Is The Dental Office Location Convenient For You?

You should be able to easily access your dental office from either home or work. You do not want to have to drive out of your way to make it to an appointment. This will make it less likely for you to keep up with your regular dental check-ups.

2.) Are Appointment Times Convenient For You?

The dental office you choose should have hours that can be worked into your schedule. You do not want to have to try to squeeze something in all the time during busy workdays. Make sure that the office you choose has consistent convenient hours for your schedule so that it makes it as easy as possible for you to get in. You can also ask to see if they are open some holidays and/or weekends. Many offices will have limited weekend hours to try to accommodate those patients who are unable to make it during the work week.

3.) Does The Dental Office Seem Clean and Orderly? 

There are universal precautions that are required by law in order to keep the patients safe. Your dental office should be using gloves, masks, and other protective garb, if needed. The office should also be sterilizing and disinfecting both the instruments and operatories regularly. These things are done in order to reduce the spread of infectious diseases. Always make sure that a dental office is taking the proper precautions to protect you and your family. 

dental-offices4.) Do The Doctors and Staff Seem Friendly?

You should feel welcome every time you come into the dental office. You want to make sure that your visit is exceptional each time you come. Once you have established yourself as a patient somewhere, you should feel like family walking in. At our dental offices, our goal is to make each patient feel like they are part of our family. We strive to welcome the patient with a smile and greet them by name. We want the patient to know that they are special as an individual and we acknowledge that. So always make sure you feel welcomed and comfortable at the dental office you choose. 

5.) Does the Dental Team Adequately explain Techniques and Treatments?

Your dental team should explain in detail what techniques will help in preventing dental health problems. When dental health problems do occur, your dental team should discuss your treatment options and what those options consist of. The doctor should give you his full attention to address any questions or concerns you may have regarding your dental health.

6.) Is information provided about fees and payment plans given before treatment is scheduled?

Your dental office should go over what your estimated fees should be for the treatment plan, and options on how to pay before the treatment is started. Your office should never blindside you with cost. Make sure that you are well informed on your estimate before you decide what you would like to do. Keep in mind though that offices give you estimates, this does not guarantee that the insurance will pay exactly what is expected, but typically the estimates are not far off from what the insurance actually processes. The only way to know for certain what your dental insurance will state your out of pocket cost to be is to send it a Pre-Determination, which your dental office should be happy to do.

These questions, along with any others you feel are important are a good way to decide if you have found the right dental office. Like stated before, do not settle. It is your right as a patient to feel like you are receiving the care you feel you should. When all of your requirements have been met, you know you have found the right dental office for you and your family.

We have three convenient locations including a downtown dental office in Kansas City, a Country Club Plaza dental office and an Independence dentist office. If you would like more information about our dental offices, please visit
