Don’t Waste Your Remaining Dental Insurance Benefits – Use ‘Em!

The end of 2019 is approaching quickly, and between the school events, holidays, and everything else life throws at you, it can be easy to forget about your dental benefits. Just like your medical benefits, your dental insurance benefits will run out at the end of the year and begin again. So, when you’re marking your calendar full of fun outings and appointments, remember to get your dental appointments scheduled as well!
Related Article: Fall is the Time to Use it or Lose it
Make the Most of Your Plan
Often, people aren’t reaching the maximum of their dental benefits each year. That means that after you reach your deductible, you’re basically wasting benefits. To make sure this doesn’t happen to you, we have some tips!
Here are some helpful tips to use your remaining dental insurance benefits: Use Your Dental Benefits to the Maximum.
- Talk to your dentist early. Know what’s coming with your dental appointments and talk with your dentist earlier in the year. This way you’ll know what services and treatments you will need in the upcoming months and can plan to get them done within the year before your benefits run out. Or, if you need to spread out services, you can set some of them before the year ends, and others once the new year starts and your benefits start over.
- Preventative services are your best friend – and are almost always free. Cleanings and other preventative services are often free with any dental insurance plan. So, not only are you getting services for free, you’re avoiding more expensive services in the future by keeping your oral health in top notch condition!
- Make your appointments in advance. Every time you visit the dentist, make your next appointment before you leave and add it to your calendar. Or, if you know your long-term schedule, make multiple appointments at one time. Your organizational skills will help you not miss any appointments and make the most of your benefits before they run out at the end of the year.
- Know your FSA benefits. Talk with your insurance provider about your FSA so you know exactly how it works and how much money to put into it. When you know what dental services you need and what your coverage is, you can plan out your FSA funds.
Read More on End-of-Year Benefits, here.
Don’t lose your remaining dental insurance benefits in the hustle and bustle of the fall and winter months. When you don’t use your benefits to the max, you lose them, and missing routine visits could cost your mouth, and your wallet, more in the long run. For any questions about services and dental insurance, please give us a call today and schedule your next appointment before the end of the year!
Contact us today to schedule your dental appointment and meet with our skilled dentists at one of our three conveniently located dental office locations within the Kansas City area, including Lee’s Summit / Independence, the Country Club Plaza and Downtown Kansas City. The gentle dentists and expert team at Thomas L. Anderson and Associates look forward to working with you to treat your dental emergency, achieve proper oral health and a beautiful smile that will last a lifetime. If you have any questions about your dental insurance benefits, please do not hesitate to contact us. We are happy to review your policy! Please give us a call today to schedule an appointment and become part of our dental family.