Major Benefits of Porcelain Dental Crowns

Knowing that you need a dental crown can seem like unfortunate news, but, thankfully, porcelain crowns can restore your oral health and provide numerous advantages. Essentially, a dental crown restores a tooth that has been damaged, and the treatment has been very effective according to News Medical Life Sciences.
Related Article: What are the 5 Steps to Getting a Dental Crown Procedure?
How Porcelain Crowns Can Help
Porcelain crowns are long-term, durable options for a wide range of dental problems, usually lasting between 5-15 years and can improve the strength and appearance of teeth. Teeth that contain cracks, has a broken-down root, or has had a root canal performed may need a dental crown to reinforce the tooth and strengthen the surrounding area of the mouth. Along with strengthening and restoring, porcelain dental crowns have multiple advantages, such as:
- Change the appearance of a tooth by altering its shape and color
Crowns can improve the look of your smile – helping the appearance of any misshapen, broken teeth, or dental implants and can help you get the smile you’ve been dreaming of.
- Protecting a tooth from being damaged further
Broken or misshapen teeth can impact your bite and the overall health of your mouth. Crowns eliminate further damage by fixing the problem before more damage can occur.
- Uses safe porcelain material that is FDA approved and non-harmful for patients
Porcelain crowns are known to be the most comfortable options for a patient’s mouth and are free of any harmful or toxic materials.
- Durable and stain resistant
Porcelain crowns are known to last for many years and are extremely stain resistant, helping your smile stay protected and spotless for a long time.
Along with plentiful advantages, the risks of porcelain crowns are also very low. At Thomas L. Anderson and Associates, we want to help restore your comfort and your smile with our porcelain dental crowns. Give us a call today to learn more about our helpful options.
To learn about the different types of dental crowns, and more, visit:
Thomas L. Anderson and Associates Provide Durable Porcelain Crowns
Contact us today to schedule your dental appointment and meet with our skilled dentists at one of our three conveniently located dental office locations within the Kansas City area, including Lee’s Summit / Independence, the Country Club Plaza and Downtown Kansas City. The gentle dentists and expert team at Thomas L. Anderson and Associates look forward to working with you to treat your dental emergency, achieve proper oral health and a beautiful smile that will last a lifetime. If you have any questions about your dental insurance benefits, please do not hesitate to contact us. We are happy to review your policy! Please give us a call today to schedule an appointment and become part of our dental family.