FAQ: Porcelain Veneers

Are you curious or considering porcelain veneers? Let’s dive into some frequently asked questions to answer all your inquiries.
Q: What are porcelain dental veneers?
A: Porcelain veneers are thin, shell-type coverings that are adhered to the top of your tooth. Your dentist will take impressions of your tooth to create the correct sizing. Once the veneer is made, your dentist will shave off a very small portion on the front area of your tooth and adhere the veneer. Porcelain veneers are matched to your teeth to look as real as possible, while fixing dental issues such as stained teeth, gaps, crooked teeth, and more.
Learn more: https://www.webmd.com/oral-health/guide/veneers
Q: Who is not a good candidate for veneers?
A. If you have experienced extensive damage to your teeth, you may not be a good candidate for porcelain veneers. Gum disease, cavities, and other oral health problems cause decay in the teeth and gums, and so further treatment is needed before you qualify for a veneer.
What to Know Before Getting Veneers: https://www.healthline.com/health/dental-veneers
Q: How long do porcelain veneers last?
A: Most porcelain veneers last anywhere between seven and fourteen years. However, if a veneer comes off, it can usually be placed and re-bonded back on your tooth, or a replacement can be made.
Q: Do porcelain veneers stain easily like normal teeth?
A: Porcelain veneers are much more stain-resistant than your normal teeth. Still, if your teeth are susceptible to staining, try to abstain from those habits to keep all your teeth as white and healthy as possible!
How to Help Prevent Stains: https://www.webmd.com/oral-health/stains-teeth
Q: What are the advantages of porcelain veneers?
A: Porcelain veneers are easy to apply and can give you the smile you’ve been dreaming of. The preparations are simple, and you could receive your porcelain veneers in only 2-3 dental visits. Veneers fix many dental imperfections such as broken teeth, misaligned teeth, staining, gaps, and more. They can give you a straighter, whiter smile without braces.
Q: Are there any drawbacks to porcelain veneers?
A: Veneers, once adhered to the tooth, are not easily removed. If you have dental or gum health issues, veneers will not be a good option for you and your smile. If you grind your teeth or often chew on hard surfaces, such as your nails, you can be at risk of chipping your veneers and needing replacements often. If you grind your teeth and are considering porcelain veneers, talk to your dentist about a mouthguard to wear when you sleep.
Q: How do I properly care for my porcelain veneers?
A: Porcelain veneers are extremely simple to take care of and don’t require any maintenance outside of your normal dental hygiene routine.
For further questions on porcelain veneers, please give us a call at Thomas L. Anderson and Associates!
Contact us today to schedule your dental appointment and meet with our skilled dentists at one of our three conveniently located dental office locations within the Kansas City area, including Lee’s Summit / Independence, the Country Club Plaza and Downtown Kansas City. The gentle dentists and expert team at Thomas L. Anderson and Associates look forward to working with you to treat your dental emergency, achieve proper oral health and a beautiful smile that will last a lifetime. If you have any questions about your dental insurance benefits, please do not hesitate to contact us. We are happy to review your policy! Please give us a call today to schedule an appointment and become part of our dental family.