5 Most Common Dental Health Services
There are many different dental health services that are provided to patients. Today we will focus on what we believe to be the five most common dental health services. These dental health services seem to be the ones that many patients also have questions about, before beginning their treatments. We understand that it can be difficult to understand dental procedures; and we are happy to answer any questions you may have or handle any of your concerns regarding your dental health.
1. Fillings: What is a filling?
A filling is a type of restoration used to restore decayed teeth. Many offices now use composite resins to place fillings. Composites are a tooth-colored plastic and glass mixture that is placed in the tooth after the decay (cavity) has been cleaned out. Since the composite fillings are tooth-colored they can also be used for aesthetic or cosmetic purposes. They can help to change or restore the shape of a tooth due to wear or chipping.
2. Dental Crowns: Have you been told you need a dental crown, but don’t know what it is?
A dental crown is used to restore cracked, broken, or damaged teeth. Often times dental crowns (sometimes referred to as caps) cover the entire tooth to the gum line and are made of porcelain, metal, or sometimes a combination of both. A dental crown is used to strengthen and improve the appearance of teeth. All porcelain dental crowns can also be used for cosmetic dentistry to enhance a smile.
3. Endodontic Treatment: AKA … root canal.
Nobody wants to hear the dreaded words “You are going to need a root canal.” We hope by providing you with information about the procedure you will understand the importance of having one when it is necessary. Endodontic treatment (also known as root canals) is the removal of a tooth’s pulp. A pulp is a thread-like tissue located in the center of the tooth. The pulp contains the nerves, arteries, veins, and lymph tissue of a tooth. By the time the decay reaches the pulp, a tooth is at high-risk for an infection and often begins to ache. Once the damaged or diseased pulp is removed the area is then cleaned, shaped, and filled to seal off the area. The most common causes of root canals are a cracked tooth, deep decay, and an injury to the tooth. If the tooth is left untreated the infection can cause a build-up of pus along the gum line called an abscess. An abscess can be very painful and can also cause bone loss. This is why it is so important to take care of a tooth that needs a root canal immediately once it is diagnosed.
4. Extractions: Another cause of fear in dentistry is the word extraction.
An extraction is the removal of the tooth from its socket in the jaw bone. There are many reasons why a permanent tooth may need to be extracted, the most common are damaged teeth by decay and also a broken tooth. A dentist will often times try to restore the tooth with other options before extracting the permanent tooth. There are other reasons such as extra teeth that need to be pulled in order for a permanent tooth to come in. It is also very common to have your wisdom teeth extracted in your late teens or early 20s. Whatever your particular case is, it is important to consult your dentist if you feel that you need an extraction.
5. Dental Onlays: Not many people are familiar with the term dental onlay.
They have been around for a number of years, but patients do not seem to have information on them. When a tooth is too damaged to be restored with a filling, but still has enough healthy tooth structure remaining placing a dental onlay is a great option to restore the tooth. In our office we typically explain an onlay as a porcelain puzzle piece; that is because it is made to fit perfectly into the area of the tooth that was once decayed, yet it does not cover any healthy natural tooth structure. When having a dental onlay placed it is typically a two appointment process. The first appointment is to remove the decay, take impressions for the laboratory, and to have a temporary onlay placed. The impressions are then sent off to the laboratory, and they create the porcelain onlay. The second appointment is to place the permanent onlay. Onlays are a great way to preserve natural tooth structure, while also providing the tooth the protection it needs to help to prevent further damage. While onlays are stronger than fillings, they are not impossible to break. There is a chance for wear and tear to break down an onlay, but it will not happen as quickly as a filling would.
There are so many more dental health services we could talk about. We hope that by providing this information for you that you will have a better understanding of some typical dental health services. If you have any further questions regarding these dental health services, or any other services, please contact your dentist directly.
Cosmetic and restorative dentistry can instantly change the way you look. New techniques in dental health services allow us to restore your smile more quickly and conservatively, using materials that are virtually invisible! Just a single tooth restoration can dramatically change the way you look and feel about yourself. For additional information or to request a dental appointment, visit http://www.theperfectsmilekc.com/Restore/